Can Magnesium Spray make you itchy?

Can Magnesium Spray make you itchy?

Yes, depending on the strength of the solution, where you spray it and how sensitive your skin is.  

Magnesium spray produced at the 1:1 ratio of distilled water to salts will feel itchy, prickly or even like it is burning if sprayed on thinner skin like on your arms or shins.  It could also feel like it is drying your skin out, even when sprayed on your feet.

Some people claim that topical application allows for greater and more rapid absorption of magnesium than oral alternatives, but there is actually no scientific evidence for this.  So...

Why did I make up Magnesium Spray?

I have been taking magnesium supplements for 30 years and when I forgot for a few days I wished I had a topical source.

All my products have evolved from solving a problem  or being inspired by life on the farm.  

"I started make soap as I had too much milk." 

A few weeks ago, I had a restless night after forgetting to take my magnesium tablets and thought to myself,

"I wish I had some magnesium spray..."

I ordered some topical grade Zechstein Magnesium Chloride and formulated a Chamomile and Calendula footspray.   

I diluted it until it didn't burn on my arm and infused the Distilled Water with one of my herbs Chamomile and Calendula. 

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